Baby Great Horned Owl
Spring brings new life to DVWR.
Photo of rescued baby Great Horned Owl
at just a few days old and then 10 days later
looking well-fed and growing!

Spring brings new life to DVWR.
Photo of rescued baby Great Horned Owl
at just a few days old and then 10 days later
looking well-fed and growing!
Using a red headlamp to preserve her and bird’s night vision, Evelyn tube fed dehydrated and starving Ibis & Avocets late into the night. A small percentage survived the botulism outbreak at Carson Lake and Stillwater near Fallon that killed thousands of birds. The ones in Evelyn’s care are weak, yet some are beginning to…
In case you wanted to know, a group of rabbits are called a “fluffle.” Individual baby bunnies are called “kits.”There are lots of kits here.
It’s expensive to provide nutritional food particularly for raptors. Consider the “donate to our cause” link above to help Evelyn with feeding costs for the variety of birds at DVWR.
The orphaned young are receiving great care at DVWR. A Kestrel, 2 Copper’s Hawks and baby bunnies are newest arrivals. Please remember to make a donation to DVWR for raptor food!