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Emergency Shorebird Care
For six weeks DVWR continued to take in hundreds of shorebirds suffering from the botulism outbreak at Carson Lake in Churchill County. All hands were on deck for the monumental task of caring for the new arrivals. Additional space was needed so a new flight pen was constructed under Mike’s direction, Evelyn trained volunteers to…

Busy with Barn Owls, Bunnies and Great Horned Owls
The Season begins….Spring 2017 The owl baby season is upon us. Barn Owl young are found in haystacks when hay is sold off and used up. This little one is growing. Great Horned Owl young are getting blown out of their nests from high winds. These four Great Horned Owls are making…

Growing larger by the day.
The many young Great Horned Owls that are receiving care at Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop are growing fast. Great Horned Owls have a sturdy digestive system. They sometimes digest their prey whole and later regurgitate pellets that contain unwanted parts.
The Big, Medium, and Little!
Even with the end of nesting season, important rehabilitation work continues at DVWR. Click on the title above to see pictures of the three latest releases!

A Dose of Cuteness
A baby jackrabbit will receive TLC while at DVWR. Cornered by a dog, the baby was retrieved and arrived as a 5 day old leveret, the name for a baby jackrabbit. Even though they are called jackrabbits, the baby is a hare, differing from rabbits with larger size, longer ears and longer hind legs.