It’s Getting Busy……
The release of a Great Horned Owl and Red-tailed Hawk have kicked off the season. New arrivals included a Screech Owl & Golden Eagle and a rabbit all are receiving the best care.
The release of a Great Horned Owl and Red-tailed Hawk have kicked off the season. New arrivals included a Screech Owl & Golden Eagle and a rabbit all are receiving the best care.
2014 was a busy time at Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop including rehabilitation and release of hawks, owls, and a badger!
This time they built and installed feeding stations for the flight pens. Their hard work included covering the platforms with astro turf and of course some artistic designs on the base! Much appreciation for the troops hard work and continued efforts at DVWR.
This orphaned 8-day-old baby sparrow is one of many birds that are receiving care especially during this time of year. At this stage the chicks are extremely fragile, must have an external heat source and are fed very frequently. They are kept in incubators with make shift nests sometimes created by just using the toe of a sock.