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Growing larger by the day.
The many young Great Horned Owls that are receiving care at Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop are growing fast. Great Horned Owls have a sturdy digestive system. They sometimes digest their prey whole and later regurgitate pellets that contain unwanted parts.
6 Months later…….A Merry Christmas for the Bison Fire Fawn.
. After 6 months of rehabilitative care at the Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop, three deer were released back into the wild this week. One of the animals was originally noted as the Bison Fire Fawn. Wild land firefighters had rescued the animal from the charred mountain top ashes in July. After administering oxygen, they…
Swainson’s Hawk is making a good recovery
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Fawn from Garson Fire at DVWR
The fawn was brought to DVWR by Nevada Department of Wildlife game warden. Separated from its mother during the fire and saved by firefighters, the fawn will be cared for at DVWR until old enough for release.