A baby and way more babies…
A Great Horned Owl baby is at DVWR along with some very young jackrabbits.
All are doing well.
A Great Horned Owl baby is at DVWR along with some very young jackrabbits.
All are doing well.
Seen in the daytime more often than other owls, it was a brief stay for this Short-eared Owl.
An open neck wound on the grebe is healing nicely. Before flight, the hawk chatted with Evelyn.
. After 6 months of rehabilitative care at the Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop, three deer were released back into the wild this week. One of the animals was originally noted as the Bison Fire Fawn. Wild land firefighters had rescued the animal from the charred mountain top ashes in July. After administering oxygen, they…
Look what springtime brought to DVWR, a fledgling Saw-whet Owl! Rare for Nevada, Saw-Whet owls are only 8″ tall when full grown.
This 10 day old Great Horned Owl baby has just opened his eyes and his first look is of himself. Young owls bond quickly with the caregiver. This is not helpful because they must learn to be a wild owl & hunt for themselves. To prevent bonding with humans, we sometimes place a mirror in front of them so they can…
A good Samaritan brought in a Red-tail Hawk found standing by the side of the road. Evelyn determined the injuries, which luckily were minor. The raptor then did a quick recovery at DVWR and released into the Nevada sky!