Blown from the Nest
High winds brought this young Great Horned Owl to the ground. Now at DVWR, the youngster will receive proper nutrients. After developing needed hunting skills the Great Horned Owl will be released.
High winds brought this young Great Horned Owl to the ground. Now at DVWR, the youngster will receive proper nutrients. After developing needed hunting skills the Great Horned Owl will be released.
The Season begins….Spring 2017 The owl baby season is upon us. Barn Owl young are found in haystacks when hay is sold off and used up. This little one is growing. Great Horned Owl young are getting blown out of their nests from high winds. These four Great Horned Owls are making…
After months and months of care and learning to hunt for themselves numerous owls were released back into the wild.
Hopefully just a quick rest at DVWRS for this raptor. An observant resident notified the Fallon office of Department of Wildlife the hawk was on the ground unable to fly. Not seen as frequently as other hawks, it is good news the Red-shouldered Hawk is expected a quick recovery.
Copy and past the link below for the news story “Into the wild: Dayton woman heals animals and returns them to nature.”
Look what springtime brought to DVWR, a fledgling Saw-whet Owl! Rare for Nevada, Saw-Whet owls are only 8″ tall when full grown.