It’s the Season….
The orphaned young are receiving great care at DVWR. A Kestrel, 2 Copper’s Hawks and baby bunnies are newest arrivals. Please remember to make a donation to DVWR for raptor food!

Fawn from Garson Fire at DVWR
The fawn was brought to DVWR by Nevada Department of Wildlife game warden. Separated from its mother during the fire and saved by firefighters, the fawn will be cared for at DVWR until old enough for release.

All ages arrive at DVWR
This Cooper’s Hawk nestling is growing in size and appetite!

New Arrival – Young Eagle
Brought in malnourished and dehydrated, this young eagle is making quick gains with proper care at DVWR.

Young wildlife at DVWR are thriving!
Great Horned Owl Red-tailed Hawk