New Arrival– and a Short Stay
Evelyn assessed just a short stay at DVWR for this young hawk. Possibly stunned from a window strike, proper nutrition will boost the hawk’s strength and flying skills in preparation for release.
Evelyn assessed just a short stay at DVWR for this young hawk. Possibly stunned from a window strike, proper nutrition will boost the hawk’s strength and flying skills in preparation for release.
So named it is said because one of the calls it makes sounds like a saw being sharpened on a wet stone. The Northern Saw-whet is looking good!
An open neck wound on the grebe is healing nicely. Before flight, the hawk chatted with Evelyn.
It’s expensive to provide nutritional food particularly for raptors. Consider the “donate to our cause” link above to help Evelyn with feeding costs for the variety of birds at DVWR.
A cat raided a rabbit’s nest. Hopefully this 9 day old cottontail, with eyes still closed, will grow strong & then when old enough be returned to the wild.
The orphaned pronghorn fawn that came in early summer was released in good habitat. .
A bit of history on the raptor — Peregrine Falcons were nearly wiped out from pesticide poisoning in eastern North America during the middle of the 20th century, the Peregrine made a come back through the captive breeding efforts of professional falconers.