New Arrival– and a Short Stay
Evelyn assessed just a short stay at DVWR for this young hawk. Possibly stunned from a window strike, proper nutrition will boost the hawk’s strength and flying skills in preparation for release.
Evelyn assessed just a short stay at DVWR for this young hawk. Possibly stunned from a window strike, proper nutrition will boost the hawk’s strength and flying skills in preparation for release.
This orphaned 8-day-old baby sparrow is one of many birds that are receiving care especially during this time of year. At this stage the chicks are extremely fragile, must have an external heat source and are fed very frequently. They are kept in incubators with make shift nests sometimes created by just using the toe of a sock.
Even with the end of nesting season, important rehabilitation work continues at DVWR. Click on the title above to see pictures of the three latest releases!
American Kestrels are fledging now and sometimes they need some extra help like this young one. They eat spiders, moths, cicadas and grasshoppers to name just a small portion of their diet, which is a good reason not to spray pesticides. Mike and the kestrel exchange information at intake.
Deemed healthy and old enough the mother goose and her youngsters were released!