Red-tailed Released
After a return to health at DVWR, this Red-tailed Hawk made a quick exit!
After a return to health at DVWR, this Red-tailed Hawk made a quick exit!
While at DVWR this baby owl will be fed a specialized diet to strengthen bones.
This Swenson’s Hawk has an injured leg but making a remarkable recovery.
After arriving quite famished from migration and unable to fly, the Egret regained good health under Evelyn’s specialized care and was then released to a beneficial habitat.
Four young Barn Owls that had received care at DVWR were deemed healthy and old enough to be released at various locations around the Fallon area. Owls are nocturnal so their release took place at night.
This baby Great Horned Owl is recovering at DVWR after being blown out of the nest during a storm and sustaining an eye injury. Prognosis very good!
Aside from the more familiar sparrows, ducks, owls, & hawks, a Eared Grebe is currently in residence.