Red-tailed Released
After a return to health at DVWR, this Red-tailed Hawk made a quick exit!
After a return to health at DVWR, this Red-tailed Hawk made a quick exit!
A good Samaritan brought in a Red-tail Hawk found standing by the side of the road. Evelyn determined the injuries, which luckily were minor. The raptor then did a quick recovery at DVWR and released into the Nevada sky!
Many thanks to Girl Scout Troop 317! The hard-working troop designed, raised money for materials, built & set-up a new flight pen. Troop Leaders Lesli Spears and Robin Fowler with Scouts Emma, Neva, Lauren, Page, Hailey, Soleil, Raechel, Lexi, Sophia and Katrina did a remarkable job and the first resident settled right in.
The Swainson’s hawk arrived at DVWRS as a malnourished youngster. Under Evelyn’s care for months, the raptor was then ready to be returned to Fallon. One of the DVWRS volunteers did the release.