Release season…
After months of constant care they successfully took their leave.
After months of constant care they successfully took their leave.
A baby jackrabbit will receive TLC while at DVWR. Cornered by a dog, the baby was retrieved and arrived as a 5 day old leveret, the name for a baby jackrabbit. Even though they are called jackrabbits, the baby is a hare, differing from rabbits with larger size, longer ears and longer hind legs.
The young Pronghorn Antelope is growing fast.
Look what springtime brought to DVWR, a fledgling Saw-whet Owl! Rare for Nevada, Saw-Whet owls are only 8″ tall when full grown.
After a very specialized treatment plan, the eagle recovered and was transported for release. The eagle flew to a large cottonwood tree looked around for about twenty minutes then took off for parts unknown.
A cat raided a rabbit’s nest. Hopefully this 9 day old cottontail, with eyes still closed, will grow strong & then when old enough be returned to the wild.