Release season…
After months of constant care they successfully took their leave.
After months of constant care they successfully took their leave.
Barn Owls as name suggests like to nest and roost in barns. Since there aren’t a lot of barns in Nevada, the owls search for hollow trees or haystacks. Often it’s not obvious there is a nest in the haystack & the young owls (up to 11) are often carried off on hay trucks, separated from…
The orphaned pronghorn fawn that came in early summer was released in good habitat. .
. After 6 months of rehabilitative care at the Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop, three deer were released back into the wild this week. One of the animals was originally noted as the Bison Fire Fawn. Wild land firefighters had rescued the animal from the charred mountain top ashes in July. After administering oxygen, they…
Brought in malnourished and dehydrated, this young eagle is making quick gains with proper care at DVWR.
After months and months of care and learning to hunt for themselves numerous owls were released back into the wild.
This Swenson’s Hawk has an injured leg but making a remarkable recovery.