Short-eared Owl
Seen in the daytime more often than other owls, it was a brief stay for this Short-eared Owl.
Seen in the daytime more often than other owls, it was a brief stay for this Short-eared Owl.
Look what springtime brought to DVWR, a fledgling Saw-whet Owl! Rare for Nevada, Saw-Whet owls are only 8″ tall when full grown.
While enjoying the warmth of the heat lamp, this turkey vulture will spend the winter recovering at Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop.
The Swainson’s hawk arrived at DVWRS as a malnourished youngster. Under Evelyn’s care for months, the raptor was then ready to be returned to Fallon. One of the DVWRS volunteers did the release.
It’s expensive to provide nutritional food particularly for raptors. Consider the “donate to our cause” link above to help Evelyn with feeding costs for the variety of birds at DVWR.
After a very specialized treatment plan, the eagle recovered and was transported for release. The eagle flew to a large cottonwood tree looked around for about twenty minutes then took off for parts unknown.
While at DVWR this baby owl will be fed a specialized diet to strengthen bones.