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Kestrel time at DVWR
American Kestrels are fledging now and sometimes they need some extra help like this young one. They eat spiders, moths, cicadas and grasshoppers to name just a small portion of their diet, which is a good reason not to spray pesticides. Mike and the kestrel exchange information at intake.

Busy with Barn Owls, Bunnies and Great Horned Owls
The Season begins….Spring 2017 The owl baby season is upon us. Barn Owl young are found in haystacks when hay is sold off and used up. This little one is growing. Great Horned Owl young are getting blown out of their nests from high winds. These four Great Horned Owls are making…

One More Baby
A sleepy baby Swainson’s Hawk arrived at DVWR. A very kindly bird lover and member of the Audubon Society found the hawk that had been blown from its nest in Elko and together they drove to Fallon! Along the way, a Fallon NDOW biologist was able to monitor care & feeding, thank goodness for cell phone…

Mother goose update
Deemed healthy and old enough the mother goose and her youngsters were released!

A baby and way more babies…
A Great Horned Owl baby is at DVWR along with some very young jackrabbits. All are doing well.