Newest arrival at DVWR
Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl
The release of a Great Horned Owl and Red-tailed Hawk have kicked off the season. New arrivals included a Screech Owl & Golden Eagle and a rabbit all are receiving the best care.
Aside from the more familiar sparrows, ducks, owls, & hawks, a Eared Grebe is currently in residence.
2014 was a busy time at Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop including rehabilitation and release of hawks, owls, and a badger!
American Kestrels are fledging now and sometimes they need some extra help like this young one. They eat spiders, moths, cicadas and grasshoppers to name just a small portion of their diet, which is a good reason not to spray pesticides. Mike and the kestrel exchange information at intake.
Recovered from its injuries, this Sandhill crane was released in wetlands area from which it came.