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A Feature From the Archives, looking back in 2007
Copy and past the link below for the news story “Into the wild: Dayton woman heals animals and returns them to nature.”
Sandhilll Crane
This Sandhill Crane is receiving care at DVWR
Using a red headlamp to preserve her and bird’s night vision, Evelyn tube fed dehydrated and starving Ibis & Avocets late into the night. A small percentage survived the botulism outbreak at Carson Lake and Stillwater near Fallon that killed thousands of birds. The ones in Evelyn’s care are weak, yet some are beginning to…
How the Northern Saw-whet Owl got its name.
So named it is said because one of the calls it makes sounds like a saw being sharpened on a wet stone. The Northern Saw-whet is looking good!
Mother goose update
Deemed healthy and old enough the mother goose and her youngsters were released!