The Big, Medium, and Little!
Even with the end of nesting season, important rehabilitation work continues at DVWR. Click on the title above to see pictures of the three latest releases!
Even with the end of nesting season, important rehabilitation work continues at DVWR. Click on the title above to see pictures of the three latest releases!
A baby Great Horned Owl is receiving care at DVWR along with the bunnies.
Four young Barn Owls that had received care at DVWR were deemed healthy and old enough to be released at various locations around the Fallon area. Owls are nocturnal so their release took place at night.
The fawn was brought to DVWR by Nevada Department of Wildlife game warden. Separated from its mother during the fire and saved by firefighters, the fawn will be cared for at DVWR until old enough for release.
A bit of history on the raptor — Peregrine Falcons were nearly wiped out from pesticide poisoning in eastern North America during the middle of the 20th century, the Peregrine made a come back through the captive breeding efforts of professional falconers.
Aside from the more familiar sparrows, ducks, owls, & hawks, a Eared Grebe is currently in residence.