The Big, Medium, and Little!
Even with the end of nesting season, important rehabilitation work continues at DVWR. Click on the title above to see pictures of the three latest releases!
Even with the end of nesting season, important rehabilitation work continues at DVWR. Click on the title above to see pictures of the three latest releases!
2014 was a busy time at Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop including rehabilitation and release of hawks, owls, and a badger!
. After 6 months of rehabilitative care at the Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop, three deer were released back into the wild this week. One of the animals was originally noted as the Bison Fire Fawn. Wild land firefighters had rescued the animal from the charred mountain top ashes in July. After administering oxygen, they…
Beautiful Golden Eagle from the Eureka area is doing very well after a truck windshield strike.
This baby Great Horned Owl is recovering at DVWR after being blown out of the nest during a storm and sustaining an eye injury. Prognosis very good!